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( 4.6 / 5 )
Delivery Charge in Dhaka : TK 60
Delivery Charge Outside Dhaka : TK 130
Manual breast pumps offer practicality and convenience for nursing mothers. Their compact size and simple design make them ideal for on-the-go use, ensuring that mothers can express milk whenever and wherever they need to. Portability is a key feature of manual breast pumps, allowing mothers to express milk discreetly and without the need for electricity or batteries. This makes them perfect for travel, work, or any situation where access to a power source may be limited. Manual breast pumps are also easy to use, typically featuring a lever or handle that mothers can manually operate to create suction and express milk. This manual operation gives mothers complete control over the speed and intensity of the pumping process, allowing for a comfortable and efficient experience. Moreover, manual breast pumps are often more affordable than their electric counterparts, making them accessible to a wider range of mothers. Their simplicity also means that they require minimal maintenance and are easy to clean, ensuring hygienic milk expression every time. For mothers who only need to express milk occasionally or who prefer a more hands-on approach to breastfeeding, a manual breast pump can be a practical and cost-effective solution. With their simplicity, portability, and affordability, manual breast pumps empower mothers to provide their babies with the nourishment they need, whenever and wherever they need it.
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